Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Mondo Film

The Mondo Film - A Proto Video Mixtape

Looking back into the history of film you can see roots for things. Soemthing in the air or something in the water that wasn't clear until after something happened. The Mondo Film could be called the predicessor to the video mixtape. A Mondo Film as defined by Wikipedia is:

A mondo film is a documentary film, sometimes resembling a pseudo-documentary, usually depicting sensational topics, scenes, and situations.

I feel also stylisticly they are also linked. Due to haveing to scrape together enough peices to make a full movie, both genres have a peicemeal quality to them that can either be pleasing or distracting. However, the Mondo Film was always typically trying to slip in titilation under the guise of "documentry" proceedings. A Video Mixtape is what it is. The comparison can be made to similar "frindge efforts" Playboy/Hustler, Rock 'n Roll/Punk, Tradtional Art/Modern Art.

The Mondo Film is the Godfather to the Video Mixtape. The next movement will be unclear. Will youtube's ability to allow people to edit footage and even add text and hyperlinks lead to the next big thing? Or will it be something even more so radical? I for one would love to see pirate televison sations playing whatever people could bring to be boradcast! What about Video Mixtape lounges? We already have people pushing the limits of being a VJay. A movie mixed before your eyes, differnt each time you goto the theater!

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