Monday, November 10, 2008

Celluloid Carcass

"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends."

                                                               -Anton Ego

Celluloid Carcass is a well-crafted, non stop gore ride.   It's creator (Corpsey) has made something his first time out that stands with the giants as the gore version of retard-o-tron.  I go as far to say that because, this mixtape has a ending that will make horror fans so giddy, they'll feel like they're 5 again.  Corpsey was kind enough to grant us an interview:

Video Mixtape Reviews: Tell us about yourself.

Corpsey: I’m a die-hard horror movie fan that has far exceeded the recommended dosage that is considered healthy viewing. I’ve been watching them for as long as I can remember and don’t intend stopping anytime soon. I’ve also always had to have a creative project or two on the go at any one time to keep my poor brain occupied so I don’t act out the atrocities of the movies I watch on the mundane mainstream society.

Video Mixtape Reviews: What was the inspiration for Celluloid Carcass?

Corpsey: Well, at the start I came across the first episode of Skeleton Farm’s Forbidden Transmissions and totally fell in love with it. I’d never really seen anything like it before and I anxiously awaited each new episode. Then I discovered the Retard-O-Tron and Crazy Dave video mixtapes and the whole world of video mixtapes opened up before me. But what really inspired me to make Celluloid Carcass was that the last few mixtapes I’d seen were really quite amateurly made with boring or poor, overly long choices of clips. I’m sorry for being such a snob and bagging other people’s hard work but I felt like it was lowering the standard and thought that people just coming into mixtapes would be put off by them, so my monstrous ego decided to make one to try to lift the standard back up and make people aware of heritage of video mixtapes.

Video Mixtape Reviews: Do you have any experience editing before making your mixtape?

Corpsey: No, not really. Amongst all the myriad of other things I do at work, they decided that it would be a good way to save some money by bringing all their outsourced video work in-house and bought me a copy of Final Cut Pro, gave me the instruction manual and told me to get cracking! Celluloid Carcass was really my way of teaching myself how to edit. Luckily the afore-mentioned lifetime of movie watching had hardcoded into me the aesthetics of editing. I still have a very long way to go and can still see a lot of flaws in Celluloid Carcass, but on the upside, I was paid to make it

Video Mixtape Reviews: You can tell from the film you have a love for horror, any favorite moments?

Corpsey: I fondly remember being sent to a church youth group night and when all the happy-clappy people went upstairs to play games I nipped across the road and hired The Reanimator on video. They finished their games and came back into the room during the scene where a reanimated, bloody severed head was giving oral pleasure to some girl strapped to a table. They quickly went back upstairs to play more games
There’s a lot of my favorite moments in Celluloid Carcass, but there were also a lot that didn’t make it. Its surprising that when you’re making a mixtape just how many of your favorite scenes just don’t work out of context as stand alone clips. I would of preferred to add more zombies too, but due to their nature, were just too damn slow for the pace I was trying to achieve.

Video Mixtape Reviews: What do you want the people of earth to know?

Corpsey: If you really like a band’s album or a movie then definitely give them some financial love. Don’t be a cheap ass! Support your favorite artists. If you don’t there may come a day when the artists no longer exist because they can’t afford to continue making the art you like.
... oh, and of course ... MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MIXTAPE!!!

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